The Chapter

The New Jersey Buffalo Soldiers Motorcycle Club was founded in June of 1999 by Thomas “T.C.” Costley. Approval for the chapter was granted on June 5th, 1999, by a unanimous vote of the Buffalo Soldiers’ chapter Presidents from around the country.

We were incorporated on June 25th, and since then have been busy reaffirming our goals, increasing our membership, and making every effort to support our sister chapters and their functions.Our chapter theme is “Authenticity” and we strive to conform to the uniform dress worn by the Buffalo Soldiers during the 1860’s ~ 1900.

Our goal is to become a positive influence in our community and to educate and inform others about the history of the Buffalo Soldiers.

Thomas "TC" Costley
Thomas “TC” Costley

Founder & Past President 

NJBSMC Chapter 

Past NJBSMC Public Relations Officer
Past National Ambassador
Past National President